lieu thereof, said new section to be known as Section 84A,
to follow immediately after Section 84 of said Article and
to read as follows:
84A. (a) Said Commissioners shall be five in number,
a President and four Commissioners, who shall be citizens
of the United States, at least 21 years of age and bona fide
residents of said Town of Charlestown for at least one
year next preceding the date of their election, and shall
each in his own right own taxable property in the Town
assessed at not less than Five Hundred ($500. 00) Dollars;
and all citizens of the United States above 21 years of age,
who have actually resided in the Town for six months next
preceding the election at which they shall offer to vote,
shall be entitled to vote for said Commissioners.
(b) On the second Monday of January in the year 1954,
the said voters shall elect five Commissioners for terms to
be determined as follows:
The three candidates for the office of Commissioner of
said Town receiving the highest number of votes, and hav-
ing been thus elected and qualified, shall serve for the term
of two years from the date of the election; or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified; and the two candi-
dates for the Office of Town Commissioners receiving the
next highest number of votes, and having been duly elected
and qualified, shall serve for the term of one year from the
date of the election, or until their successors are duly
elected and qualified; at said election the candidate receiv-
ing the highest number of votes shall be declared to be
President of said Town Board; and on the second Monday
of January 1955, and on the same date biennially there-
after, the said voters shall elect two Commissioners to serve
for the term of two years from the date of the election, or
until their successors are duly elected and qualified; and
on the second Monday of January 1956, and on the same
date biennially thereafter, the said voters shall elect three
Commissioners of which the one receiving the highest num-
ber of votes shall be declared to be the President of said
Town Board, to serve for the term of two years, or until
their successors are duly elected or qualified.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1953.
Approved April 6, 1953.