240D. The County Roads Board for Charles County
shall have control over and shall maintain the public roads,
bridges, drains, water courses, public landings, culverts,
ferries and curbs and gutters along the same in Charles
County at such time as the State Roads Commission shall
relinquish and transfer to the County the functions of
constructing, reconstructing and maintaining the roads in
said County pursuant to the provisions of Section 173 of
Article 89B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1951
240E. The County Roads Board of Charles County is
hereby authorized and empowered, at such time as the
State Roads Commission shall relinquish and transfer to
the County the functions of constructing, reconstructing
and maintaining the roads in said County to purchase or
lease from the State Roads Commission such road equip-
ment as the said Board may determine is necessary for
the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of roads
in said County. Such equipment shall be purchased or
leased out of the general ROAD funds of said County at a
fair and equitable price or rented with due regard to the
age and condition of said equipment. In the event the said
Board and the State Roads Commission are unable to agree
upon the purchase price or rental of said equipment, they
are hereby authorized and empowered, each to select an
arbitrator and the two arbitrators so named shall select a
third arbitrator, and the said arbitrators or a majority of
them, shall fix the aforesaid price or rental. The decision
of said arbitrators or a majority of them shall be final and
binding on the said County Roads Board and the State
Roads Commission with respect to the purchase price or
rental of said equipment.
240F. The County Roads Board for Charles County is
authorized and empowered to borrow from time to time
such sums of money as it may deem necessary to carry out
the provisions of this sub-title, but not to exceed Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50, 000. 00) in the aggregate at any
one time and to issue its notes or certificates of indebted-
ness as evidence of said loan.
240G. The County Roads Board for Charles County
shall be possessed of all the powers and authority as the
County Commissioners now or may hereafter possess with
respect to roads and bridges in said County under any
public general or public local law, including the power of