and 240G, to follow immediately after Section 240A of
said Article, as said Section was enacted by Chapter 635
of the Acts of 1947, providing for a County Roads Board
for Charles County, relating to the powers and duties of
said Board, providing for the appointment of a County
Roads Engineer for Charles County and relating gen-
erally to the County Roads Board for Charles County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That six new sections be and they are hereby added to
Article 9 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland
(1930 Edition), title "Charles County'', sub-title "Roads",
said new sections to be known as Sections 240B, 240C,
240D, 240E, 240F and 240G, to follow immediately after
Section 240A of said Article, as said Section 240A was
enacted by Chapter 635 of the Acts of 1947, and to read
as follows:
240B. A County Roads Board for Charles County is
hereby created. The County Commissioners of Charles
County are hereby constituted the said County Roads
Board. The Clerk to said County Commissioners is hereby
constituted Clerk to said County Roads Board and the
attorney to said County Commissioners is hereby consti-
tuted Attorney to said County Roads Board. The said
County Roads Board is authorized and empowered to em-
ploy such other personnel and fix their salaries and duties
as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this
sub-title. Said County Roads Board shall enter upon its
duties, responsibilities, and powers herein and hereinafter
conferred when, but not until, the County Commissioners
of Charles County take over the roads in Charles County
from the State Roads Commission in accordance with the
provisions of Section 173 of Article 89B of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1951 Edition).
240C. The County Roads Board is authorized, empow-
ered and directed to appoint, within sixty (60) days after
the effective date of this Act a County Roads Engineer who
shall have a degree in civil engineering and experience in
constructing roads or shall have had at least ten (10) years
experience in constructing roads in a supervisory and
executive capacity or who shall otherwise comply with the
requirements of Section 173 of Article 89B of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland. The said County Roads Engineer
shall receive such salary and compensation as may be
determined by the County Roads Board and shall hold his
office for such a term as may be agreed upon by contract
at the time of his appointment.