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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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648. (a) The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
shall have power to remove nuisances or any obstructions
from the streets, lanes and alleys, drains and water courses
within the town of Westernport or from any lot or lots
adjacent thereto, and to provide for imposing a fine upon
any person or persons causing or creating any such nuis-
ance or obstruction; and to enforce such rules, penalties
and regulations as they may think necessary to preserve the
public health and secure the inhabitants from contagious,
infectious and other diseases and to suppress drunkenness,
vice and immorality and to punish all violations of the
public peace from whatever cause and in connection there-
with they may impose such reasonable fines, forfeitures or
imprisonments as to them may appear necessary for the
violations of any of the ordinances of said town, but not
exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) in any one case.
In the default of the payment of any fine so imposed, they
may provide for the imprisonment of the offender for a
period not exceeding thirty (30) days, or until the fine is
paid, which imprisonment may be in the town lockup or
in the county jail.

(b) They shall have power specifically, the same not
being any limitation or restriction on the general rights,
to pass such ordinances as they may deem necessary, viz:

For the protection and preservation of the town's prop-

For the providing of suitable and proper lights upon the
public streets of said town;

For the establishment and maintaining of a fire depart-

For the establishment and maintaining and regulating
of an adequate police force;

To prevent or regulate the use or sale of firearms, fire-
works, bonfires or other things or practices tending to en-
danger persons or property;

To regulate and prohibit the running at large of cattle,
horses, swine, fowls, sheep, goats, dogs or other animals,
and to authorize the impounding, keeping, sale or redemp-
tion of such animals when found in violation of any ordi-
nance in such case provided;

To prevent the deposit of any unwholesome substance
either on private or public property; to compel its removal
to designated points, and to require slops, garbage, ashes


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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