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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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to be given by the Clerk, his rate of compensation and by
ordinance prescribe his duties in connection with said tax
collecting as well as the duties of the town treasurer, whose
bond they shall likewise fix. And for the levy of taxes as
herein set forth The Mayor and Commissioners shall ac-
cept the assessment values placed upon the property within
the town limits for State and County taxation.

646. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
shall have full power and authority to contract with any
body corporate, individuals or governmental body or agency
or other persons in order to establish, operate and main-
tain a complete system of water works for the Town of
Westernport, and shall have power to regulate the erection
and management of the same by orders or ordinances per-
taining thereto, and also to grant by ordinance or otherwise
the right to lay conduits or water mains or pipes through
the streets of said town, or may contract for such service
themselves. And authority is hereby given The Mayor and
Commissioners of Westernport to condemn any land, earth
or stone or any interest therein, either in Allegany or
Garrett County, if they are not able to agree with the
owners of the same for the desired interest therein, if the
same shall become necessary for the erection, operation
or maintenance of the aforesaid water system. And in
connection therewith the Mayor and Commissioners of
Westernport shall have all of the right and authority for
condemnation as is set forth in Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, Sections 329 to 336
inclusive in connection with the acquiring of land sufficient
in width for the placing of conduits or water pipes and
lands for reservoirs or other structures for the use of said
water system, and they shall have power to pass all such
ordinances as may be necessary to put into effect this

647. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
shall have power to pass such ordinances, not contrary to
law, as they may deem beneficial and necessary for the good
government of the town. All general ordinances of the
Town of Westernport shall only be passed and in effect at
the second or later meeting of The Mayor and Commis-
sioners of Westernport after the same shall have been first
offered and read, and only after notice of the substance
thereof shall have been posted by the Clerk in at least two
public places in said town five days or more prior to said


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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