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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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and other waste materials to be removed to designated
points, or to require the occupants of premises to place
them conveniently for removal and to remove the same at
the expense of said town or collect therefor from others
for the cost thereof;

To regulate and prevent the storage of gunpowder, tar,
pitch, resin, coal oil, turpentine, gasoline or gas or any
product thereof, or any other explosives or combustible
materials which may seem to be dangerous within the
corporate limits.

To pass all ordinances or orders for the protection, main-
tenance and preservation of the water supply of said town
and the prevention of the pollution thereof;

To regulate the selling, weighing and measuring of coal,
hay, wood, coke and other articles sold by weight or meas-
ure, and to establish weigh scales and make charges for
weighing thereof;

To prohibit the erection of buildings in the town of
Westernport without a license first obtained therefor. To
authorize the inspection of buildings and structures erected
or to be erected or in process of erection and to authorize
the license therefor to be revoked and the condemnation
thereof in whole or in part when dangerous or insecure in
the opinion of The Mayor and Commissioners of Western-
port or such party as they may appoint to inspect the same;

To suppress, restrain and regulate bawdy houses, dis-
orderly houses and houses of ill fame and to prohibit the
youth of said town from being on its streets, lanes and
alleys at unreasonable hours of the night;

To regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures in,
under or above the same, and to require the owner or
occupant of premises to keep the sidewalks in front of the
same free from snow and other obstructions and prescribe
hours for cleaning the same;

To regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of
sweepings, dust, ashes, dirt, garbage, paper, handbills, dirty
liquids or any other material into any street, alley or
public place of said town of Westernport;

To regulate traffic within the limits of Westernport,
including trains at grade crossings and to prohibit inter-
ference with or injury to traffic signs or other city prop-

To provide for the issuing of licenses or permits for all
hawking, peddling and vending of wares and merchandise


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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