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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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proper municipal purposes and at no time shall this power
or authority to borrow money or incur obligations for the
payment of money exist in excess of a total debt amounting
to one and one-half percent of the amount of the assessable
property in said town of Westernport, as carried for tax

644. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
shall have full power at their first meeting to appoint and
designate a treasurer for said town and they shall have
power from time to time to appoint any policemen or police
officers they may deem necessary and place them under
the direction and control of the Bailiff of said town. The
said policemen and Bailiff shall serve warrants and make
arrests for violations of the ordinances of said town; and
for these purposes the said Bailiff and policemen are hereby
vested with the same power and authorities as constables
of Allegany County now have, and the said policemen and
other officers shall perform any and all other duties
designated by The Mayor and Commissioners of Western-

645. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
shall have power during the month of June in each year
to levy an equal tax on the property within the limits of
said town or which may have a situs there by reason of the
residence of the owner therein, to such an amount each year
not exceeding the sum of One Hundred Cents (100$) on each
hundred dollars worth of property, as may be deemed
necessary for the expenses and government of said town,
which taxes so levied and assessed shall be collected
promptly by the Clerk of said town and by the Clerk as
collected paid over at the end of each and every month to
the treasurer of said town, appointed as such by The Mayor
and Commissioners of Westernport; and the said taxes
shall be a lien from the time of levy, against the property
so assessed and enforceable and collected by the Clerk in
the same manner as the collector of public county taxes can
collect taxes. All such taxes levied as aforesaid shall be
due and demandable on the first day of October of the year
levied and thereafter until paid shall bear interest at the
rate of six percentum per annum, but if paid on or before
the first day of August a discount of three per cent shall
be allowed and if paid on or before the first day of Septem-
ber a discount of two per cent shall be allowed and if paid
on or before the first day of October a discount of one per
cent shall be allowed. And The Mayor and Commissioners
shall fix the amount of bond, its coverings and obligations


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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