may appoint from among the four Commissioners one who
shall be known as "Police and Fire Commissioner", and
who shall have under special charge the enforcement of all
police regulations of said town and general supervision
over the fire department thereof; One Commissioner to be
known as "The Commissioner of Streets and Public Prop-
erty", who shall have under his special charge the super-
vision of streets, sewers, alleys, public grounds and prop-
erty of the town, and be charged with the duty of keeping
them in a clean and sanitary condition and with the en-
forcement of all rules and regulations to these ends, and
who shall also have under his special charge the super-
vision of all public improvements except as may be other-
wise provided; One Commissioner to be known as "The
Water and Light Commissioner", who shall have under his
special charge, the construction, maintenance and operation
of the water and electric lighting systems of said town and
shall see to the enforcement of all rules and regulations
with respect to said systems; One Commissioner, who shall
be known as "The Commissioner of Finance and Revenue",
who shall have under his special charge the enforcement of
all laws for the assessment and collection of taxes of every
kind and the collection of all revenues belonging to said
town from whatever source the same be derived and who
shall examine and keep informed as to the financed of said
643. At the first meeting of The Mayor and Commis-
sioners of Westernport in June of each year they shall set
the amount of the salary to be paid during the year to the
Mayor and each Commissioner, which salaries so set shall
not exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) to
the Mayor and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250. 00) to
each Commissioner, excepting whenever any Commissioner
is designated as Treasurer of the Town he may be paid
an additional sum of Fifty Dollars ($50. 00). They shall
have the power to designate and to employ by way of a
retainer or otherwise an Attorney-at-Law to be their legal
adviser or representative, and may contract with him as to
his compensation and duties in their behalf. They may
by order or ordinance define and prescribe the duties of the
Clerk or the Bailiff and prescribe the amount of their re-
spective salaries of compensation, as well as to fix the rate
of wages or compensation of all other employees of said
town. Without the special permission of the Legislature
of Maryland, the authority of The Mayor and Commis-
sioners to borrow money upon the faith and credit of the
Municipality of Westernport shall be limited to funds for