Westernport, and shall execute all ordinances passed by
them and shall be entitled to vote upon all matters pending
before them, and in the absence of the Mayor at any meet-
ing of the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport, the
Commissioners may appoint a President, who shall have
all of the powers of the Mayor, except to sign ordinances.
And the qualified voters are at the same time and place
authorized and directed to elect four Commissioners for the
said town who shall have resided within the limits of the
same for at least two years next preceding the election, be
qualified voters at said municipal election and each assessed
in his own name or as tenants by the entireties for town
taxation for the immediate preceding year upon a real
estate valuation of Two Hundred Dollars ($200. 00) or more,
each of whom shall serve for a term of two years and until
their successors are elected and qualified. And annually the
said Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport, at their
first meeting, which shall be on the first Monday of June
or as soon as possible thereafter, select one person to serve
as Bailiff of said town until the first Monday of June of the
following year and until his successor is selected and
qualified. And on the first Monday of June 1954, they
shall appoint one person as Clerk of said town, who shall
serve for one year, and on the first Monday of June 1955,
and biennially thereafter they shall appoint a Clerk for a
term of two years and until his successor is appointed and
qualified. The said Mayor and Commissioners shall have
the power to fill by appointment all vacancies occurring
from death, removal, resignation or any other cause,
whether in the office of Mayor or Commissioner or in any
other office provided for in this Act. The said Mayor and
each of said Commissioners, and the Clerk and Bailiff shall
qualify by taking and subscribing the following Oath to be
administered by some Justice of the Peace for Allegany
County: "I.............................................. do swear that I will
execute the office of Mayor, Commissioner, Clerk or Bailiff,
of the town of Westernport, as the same may be, to the
best of my ability, without favor, partiality or prejudice"
Which oath shall be filed in the town records.
(b) The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport shall
have the general and exclusive control and supervision
over all of the departments concerned with the town's
affairs, and shall have power to make and enforce such
rules and regulations as they may see fit and proper for
the organization, management and operation of all depart-
ments of said town and over whatever agencies may be
created for the administration of its affairs. The Mayor