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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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grees 30 minutes east one thousand four hundred eighty
feet with a part of the present corporate line to a concrete
monument; thence leaving the present corporate line North
31 degrees ten minutes east two thousand three hundred
thirty feet through an alley between Roosevelt Street and
Garfield Street to a concrete monument in the northeasterly
side of Boundary Alley; thence with the northeasterly side
of Boundary Alley North 43 degrees 00 minutes west four
hundred fifteen feet to its intersection with the present
corporate line North;
PRESENT CORPORATE LINE 21 degrees 30 minutes east
one thousand six hundred eighty feet to a concrete monu-
ment; thence with a part of the present corporate line
North 68 degrees thirty minutes west four thousand one
hundred and fifty feet to a concrete monument; at the end
of the present northwesterly corporate line; thence with a
part of the present northwesterly corporate line South 27
degrees SO minutes west one thousand seven hundred eighty
feet to a concrete monument; thence South 36 degrees 10
minutes west with the westerly side of Chestnut Street
three thousand sixty five feet to a concrete monument;
thence South 53 degrees 50 minutes east one thousand two
hundred seventy five feet to a point in the West Virginia-
Maryland State line on the southerly bank of the Potomac
River; thence with the West Virginia-Maryland State Line
downstream with the meanders of the Potomac River
approximately four thousand three hundred feet to the
point of beginning.

642. (a) The citizens of said Town of Westernport of
the age of twenty-one years and upwards, being citizens of
The United States of America and who shall have resided
in said town for and during a space of six months next
preceding any municipal election, shall be qualified to vote
at any municipal election of officers in said town, and the
qualified voters are hereby authorized on the fourth Tues-
day of May in the year 1954 and biennially thereafter at
the usual place of holding elections in said town, or at such
place or places as shall be designated by the Mayor and
Commissioners of Westernport, to elect one person who
shall have resided within the limits thereof at least two
years next preceding said election, be a qualified voter
therein and assessed in his own name or as a tenant by
the entireties for town taxes for the immediate preceding
year upon a real estate valuation of Five Hundred Dollars
($500. 00) or more. The said Mayor shall serve for two years
and until his successor is elected and qualified and shall
preside at all meetings of the Mayor and Commissioners of


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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