(1930 Edition), title "Allegany County, " sub-title "West-
ernport, " to repeal Chapters 67 of the Acts of 1933, 829
of the Acts of 1945 and 695 of the Acts of 1951, and to
repeal all other acts or parts of acts amending or con-
stituting in any way a part of the Charter of the Town
of Westernport and to enact twenty-eight new sections
to stand in the place and stead of the sections and acts
so repealed, said new sections to be known as Sections
640 to 661F, inclusive, of said Article 1, revising entirely
the Charter of the Town of Westernport and relating
generally to the powers and duties of the said town and
of its officials and of the government of the Town of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 640 to 661 A, inclusive, of Article 1
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1939 1930
Edition), title "Allegany County", sub-title "Westernport'',
and Chapters 67 of the Acts of 1933, 829 of the Acts of
1945 and 695 of the Acts of 1951 be and they are hereby
repealed and that twenty-eight new sections be and they
are hereby added to said Article 1, said new sections to be
known as Sections 640 to 661F, inclusive, to stand in the
place and stead of the sections so repealed, and to read as
640. The citizens of the town of Westernport in Alle-
gany County, Maryland, are constituted and made a body
corporate by the name of "The Mayor and Commissioners
of Westernport", and by that name may sue and be sued,
may have and use a common seal and may contract and may
purchase and hold real estate and other property or dispose
of the same for the use and benefit of the town, and may
specifically exercise any and all of the powers herein
granted and shall assume the responsibilities herein set
641. The limits of the said town shall extend as follows:
BEGINNING, for the same at a point in the West
Virginia-Maryland State line on the southerly bank of the
Potomac River, the said point being South 21 degrees SO
minutes west three hundred and thirty feet from a con-
crete monument, which is situated South 43 degrees 40
minutes east in the extension of the center line of Maryland
Avenue, eight hundred feet from its intersection with the
northwesterly side of Fourth Street; thence North 21 de-