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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1803   View pdf image (33K)
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Avenue produced until said center line, crossing Glasgow
Street and continuing until it intersects a point which is
300 feet measured in a southwesterly direction from the
center line of said Glasgow Street. Thence continuing
along a line which is parallel to and 300 feet distant from
the center line of said Glasgow Street and proceeding along
said parallel line in a southeasterly direction until said
parallel line intersects the present city limits which is
known as the second line in the present city limits. Thence
along said second line in the present city limits South 31
degrees 50 minutes west to a cement bounder marked on
the top thereof "C1927 No. 3" set down on the southwest
side of the State Road leading from Cambridge to Lloyds.
Thence in a southeasterly direction to a point where the
center line of Maces Lane intersects the center line of
Bayly Road; thence in an easterly direction to a point
where the northerly boundary of the old Fair Ground now
owned by the Phillips Packing Company intersects the
center line of the State Road leading from Cambridge to
Church Creek. Thence in an easterly direction to a point
where the center line of Little Gypsy Hill Road intersects
the center line of the railroad leading from Cambridge to
Seaford; thence along the center of said road in a north-
easterly direction and crossing the State Highway leading
from Cambridge to Vienna and known as Route No. 50;
thence continuing along the center line of said road to its
end and still continuing along said center line out into
the middle of the Choptank River to a point where it inter-
sects the division line between Talbot County and Dor-
chester County; thence along said division line to the place
of beginning.

(c) Provided that when extending the boundaries of
the corporate limits of the City of Cambridge as authorized
herein The Commissioners of Cambridge will proceed in
accordance with the provisions of Section 42 of Article 10
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edi-
tion), title "Dorchester County", sub-title "Cambridge".

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1953.

Approved May 6, 1953.


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1803   View pdf image (33K)
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