24. Taxes for general purposes shall not exceed in any
one year One Dollar [$1. 00] and Fifty Cents ($1. 50) on
each One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) of taxable property
in said Town; to which shall be added a tax in an amount
sufficient for the retirement of the bonds heretofore and
hereafter issued and such tax to be fixed, levied and col-
lected in the same manner and on the same tax bills as the
taxes for general purposes are now or may be hereafter
levied and collected in said Town.
34A. Should any property owner fail, within a reason-
able time, to make the necessary arrangements that such
cesspools, drains and privies cannot be used again so as
not to affect the public health or welfare, or should any
property owner permit an open excavation to accumulate
rain water and rubbish so as to constitute a public nuisance
and/or a hazard or risk to children, and fail to remedy the
condition within a reasonable time after being ordered to
abate the nuisance and/or hazard, then the Commissioners
shall have the right to enter upon such premises and
rectify the condition and charge the cost thereof to the
property owner and if not paid such cost shall constitute
a lien against the property to be collected in the same man-
ner as delinquent taxes, as herein provided for. Any viola-
tion of the provisions of this section shall be a misde-
meanor, punishable as hereinafter provided.
36. Said Commissioners may provide for all or any part
of the cost of construction, establishment, extension or
alteration of the sewerage and/or water system, by the
levy of a front foot assessment on all property abutting on
a street, road, alley or right-of-way in which a sewer
and/or water main is laid. Said Commissioners may pro-
vide for the extinguishment by property owners of annual
front foot benefit charges upon such terms as they may
deem wise, proper and equitable, provided any such ar-
rangement shall provide properly for the necessary pay-
ments on the outstanding bonds. The Commissioners may
classify properties and may change the front foot assess-
ment rates from year to year, as may become necessary,
but the rate for each year shall be uniform for each class
of property so assessed within the Town. [Said Com-
missioners shall notify in writing all assessed property
owners as to the amount of their assessments, naming in
said notice a time and place when and where said owners
will be heard. The benefit charge assessed against any
property shall be final subject only to revision at said
hearing. ] The Commissioners, in the case of corner lots,
irregular shaped lots and shallow lots fronting on more