The Commissioners of Aberdeen shall maintain suitable
markers to designate the boundary lines of said Town
and shall cause to be made plats of said Town to be
recorded among the Land Records of Harford County and
copies of the plats so recorded, duly certified by the Clerk
of said Court, shall be admitted as evidence by all courts
within the State of Maryland; provided that in those areas
now included in the above described boundaries which
were not included in the boundaries as described in Section
2 of Chapter 708 of the Acts of 1951, the said Commis-
sioners shall not be required to furnish customary and
usual services, such as garbage collection, street lighting,
sewer and water pipe lines and street maintenance, until
the properties in such areas have been enrolled on the
tax assessment records of said Town.
3. All citizens of the United States residing within the
corporate limits of Aberdeen for the period of one year
prior to the date of election, as hereinafter provided,
above the age of twenty-one years, who were assessed
with at least One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) of real or
personal property on the tax books of the Town on Janu-
ary 1st preceding the day of such election and whose taxes
shall not be in arrears, shall hold an election on the first
Saturday of May, 1954, for five Commissioners, and every
year thereafter for two or three Commissioners, as the
case may be, who must be freeholders and qualified voters
of said Town and must have resided therein for at least
one year next preceding such election. Of the Commis-
sioners so elected in 1954, the three receiving the highest
number of votes, shall hold office for two years or until
their successors are elected and qualified in 1956, and the
remaining two shall hold office for one year or until their
successors are elected and qualified in 1955, and there-
after three or two Commissioners, as the case may be shall
be elected annually; provided that the present Commis-
sioners elected on the first Saturday of May, 1952, shall
hold office until the first Tuesday after the first Saturday
of May, 1954, or until their successors, are duly elected
and qualified; and that any reference to the election of
"Five Commissioners" elsewhere in said Charter shall be
construed to mean "five", "three" or "two" as the case
may be.
A majority of the Commissioners shall constitute a
quorum to transact business, and a majority shall always
govern; and in case of a vacancy in the Board of Commis-
sioners during its term of office the remaining Commis-