point in the westerly corporate limits of the Town of
Aberdeen as established by Chapter 708 of the Acts of
1951, thence binding partially on said corporate limits as
established by said Acts, crossing said Bel Air Avenue
and binding on the recorded sub-divisions designated as
Royal Acres, and Royal Acres Section 2 for the following
four approximate courses, viz: South 18° 40' West 1195
feet, North 85° 38' West 359 feet, South 50° 02' West
101. 28 feet, South 39° 58' East 473 feet to a point on the
aforementioned corporate limits as established by afore-
said Acts of 1951, thence binding on said limits South 18°
40' West 1675 feet more or less to a point, thence con-
tinuing to bind on said limits as established by said Acts
the following two courses, viz: approximately South 35°
50' East traversing through the recorded sub-division
designated as Baltimore Park, crossing the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad right-of-way, continuing across a public
road known as Bradford Road, a total of 3685 feet more
or less to the westerly-most corner of the recorded sub-
division designated as Mitchell Manor, thence binding on
the southwesterly outline of said Mitchell Manor sub-
division South 24° 15' East, 808. 56 feet, thence leaving said
sub-division South 63° 57' West 64. 8 feet and running
thence crossing the right-of-way of the Pulaski Highway
and continuing South 24° 15' East 1050 feet more or less
to a point on the northwesterly side of the public road
designated as the Old Philadelphia Road running from
Aberdeen to Perryman, thence binding on the northwest-
erly side of said Old Philadelphia Road the following two
approximate courses: North 65° 45' East 295 feet, North
13° 43' East 1082 feet, thence crossing and leaving said
road, also crossing the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania
Railroad approximately South 77° 23' East 500 feet more
or less to a point on the southeasterly side of said rail-
road right-of-way, thence binding on the southeasterly
side of said right-of-way North 32° 07' East 1221 feet
more or less, thence leaving said railroad right-of-way and
running through and across the U. S. Government right-
of-way of the road leading from Aberdeen to the Aberdeen
Proving Ground South 44° 54' East 571. 3 feet to a con-
crete monument designated No. 84 on the northeasterly
side of said Government right-of-way, thence binding on
the northeasterly side of said right-of-way South 44° 54'
East 563. 34 feet to the point of beginning, excepting and
saving therefrom, however, that land owned by the United
States of America which comprises a portion of the rights-
of-way of the access roads leading from Aberdeen to the
Aberdeen Proving Ground.