less to a point in the out line of the Rigdon land, thence
binding on said Rigdon land North 41° 40' West 1772
feet to a point on the northwesterly side of the public road
known as Old Post Road leading from Aberdeen to Havre
de Grace, thence binding on the northwesterly side of
said Old Post Road North 49° 27' East 1546 feet to a
point in the outline of the Osborne land, thence leaving
said road and binding on the division line between said
Osborne land and a recorded sub-division designated as
North Deen North 44° 15' West crossing the right-of-way
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, also crossing the right-of-
way of the dual highway known as the Pulaski Highway
and continuing across the right-of-way of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad a total distance of 2035 feet more or
less to a point on the northwesterly side of said Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad right-of-way, thence leaving said rail-
road right-of-way and running approximately South 87°
30' West 2570 feet more or less to the easternmost corner
of a recorded sub-division designated as Mount Royal
Terrace No. 1, thence binding on the outline of said sub-
division for the following two courses, viz: North 56° 48'
West 460. 07 feet, South 33° 03' West 495 feet more or
less, thence leaving said sub-division and running North
51° 33' West binding for the most part on the northeast-
erly boundary of the land of the Board of Education of
Harford County continuing across the right-of-way of
the public road known as Paradise Road for a total dis-
tance of 1370 feet more or less to a point on the westerly
side of said Paradise Road right-of-way, thence binding
on the westerly side of said Paradise Road North 8° 43'
East 1810 feet more or less to the northeasterly corner of
Section B of a recorded sub-division designated as Para-
dise Manor, thence leaving said road and binding on said
sub-division North 81° 20' West 160 feet to a concrete
monument, thence leaving said sub-division and running
for the following two courses, viz: Approximately South
89° 15' West 678 feet more or less to a stone, approxi-
mately South 67° 15' West 1945 feet more or less to the
easternmost corner of a sub-division designated Hillside
as now recorded, and running thence binding partially on
the outline of said Hillside Sub-division on the following
four approximate courses, viz: North 63° 15' West 524
feet, South 26° 45', West 852 feet, North 44° 45' West 29
feet, South 48° 15' West 150 feet to a point on the north-
easterly side of the public road running from Aberdeen
to Bel Air known as Bel Air Avenue Extended, thence
southeasterly and binding on the northeasterly side of
said road a total distance of 955 feet more or less to a