and constituting said Commissioners as a Taxicab
Bureau; this last clause being descriptive of some of
the powers, but not in limitation of the other rights
and powers granted under said Charter.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 3 and 20 of Article 13, as enacted by Chap-
ter 908 of the Acts of 1943, title "Harford County", sub-
title "Aberdeen", be and they are hereby repealed, and
that two new sections be enacted, to be known as Sections
3 and 20; and to read as hereinafter shown; that Section
2 of said Article 13, as enacted by Chapter 708 of the
Acts of 1951, be repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments to read as hereinafter shown; that Sections 12, 13,
17, 18, 19, 24, 36, Sub-section (a) of Section 48, 54, and
60 of said Article 13, as enacted by Chapter 908 of the
Acts of 1943, be repealed and re-enacted, with amend-
ments, to read as hereinafter shown; that Section 62 of
said Article 13 as enacted by Chapter 582 of the Acts of
1947, be repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to
read as hereinafter shown; and to add two new Sections
to said Article 13, to be known as Sections 4A and 34A,
and to follow immediately after Sections 4 and 34 respec-
tively of said Article 13; all of said sections to read as
2. The corporate limits of the Town of Aberdeen,
Harford County, shall be contained within the following
meets and bounds, to wit:
Beginning for the same at a concrete monument desig-
nated No. -82 84 and marked U. S. on the northeasterly side
of the U. S. Government right-of-way leading from Aber-
deen to the Aberdeen Proving Ground, said monument
being at the southwesterly corner of the U. S. Government
land utilized by the Swan Meadows Federal Public Housing
Authority Project, thence binding on the northeasterly
side of said right-of-way S. 44° 54' East 1235. 41 feet,
thence leaving said right-of-way and binding on the divi-
sion line between aforesaid Swan Meadows Housing
Project and a similar project designated as Lee Village
North 29° 02' East 2248. 94 feet, thence approximately
North 44° 30' East 1215 feet more or less, crossing the
U. S. Government right-of-way of Chesapeake Road lead-
ing from Aberdeen to the Aberdeen Proving Ground and
running to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 8A of the
sub-division designated as Outlet No. 1 to the Town of
Aberdeen, thence approximately following a small stream
approximately North 86° 44' East 843. 23 feet more or