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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1258   View pdf image (33K)
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upon any land and make examinations and surveys and
place and maintain necessary monuments and marks
thereon. In general, the Commission shall have such
powers as may be necessary to enable it to fulfill its func-
tions, promote County planning, or carry out the purposes
of this sub-title.

800J. In addition to the employees authorized by Sec-
tion 300D
of this Article, the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission of Carroll County shall also appoint a qualified
planning technician having planning and zoning experience
for at least five years prior to his appointment by the
Commission, to serve as Zoning Commissioner. The Zoning
Commissioner shall attend all of the regular and special
meetings of the Commission, but shall not be entitled to
vote in the adoption or rejection of any plan for Carroll
County or any part thereof. The Zoning Commissioner
shall receive an annual salary to be determined by the
Commission, and he shall serve for a term of two years
and be eligible for reappointment by the Commission to
a subsequent term or terms subject to removal by the
Commission upon the filing of written charges showing
cause for such removal and following a public hearing or
hearings on said charges.

300K. The Planning and Zoning Commission of Carroll
County may impose upon the Zoning Commissioner the
general duty of recommending to the Commission for
incorporation in any plan or part thereof regulations con-
cerning any section, division, or sub-division together with
recommendations for amending regulations concerning
any section, division, or sub-division, and the further
general duty of administering any regulation adopted by
the Commission. The Commission may not empower the
Zoning Commissioner to alter by his decision any regu-
lation adopted and promulgated by the Commission.

300L. There is hereby created a Board of Zoning
Appeals of Carroll County to consist of five residents of
Carroll County to be appointed by the County Commis-
sioners of Carroll County, one member to be appointed
for a term of one year, one member to be appointed for a
term of two years, one member to be appointed for a
term of three years, one member to be appointed for a
term of four years, and one member to be appointed for
a term of five years. Thereafter each appointment shall
be for a term of five years. The members of the said
Board shall receive no salary or compensation and each
member shall be eligible for a subsequent term. The said


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1258   View pdf image (33K)
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