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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1257   View pdf image (33K)
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tional sub-divisions of the subject matter of the plan, and
may adopt any amendment or extension thereof or addition
thereto. Before the adoption of the plan or any such part,
amendment, extension, or addition the Commission shall
hold at least one public hearing thereon, notice of the time
and place of which shall be given by one publication in a
newspaper of general circulation in the County. The adop-
tion of the plan or of any such part or amendment of
extension or addition shall be by resolution of the Commis-
sion carried by the affirmative votes of not less than six
members of the Commission. The resolution shall refer
expressly to the maps and description and other matter
intended by the Commission to form the whole or part of
the plan, and the action taken shall be recorded on the map
and plan and descriptive matter by the identifying signa-
ture of the chairman and/or secretary of the Commission.
An attested copy of the plan or part thereof shall be
certified to the County Commissioners of Carroll County
and to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Carroll County.

300H. Whenever the Planning and Zoning Commission
of Carroll County shall have adopted the master plan of
the County or of one or more major sections or districts
thereof, no street, square, park or other public way, ground,
or open space, or public or private building or structure,
or public utility, whether publicly or privately owned,
shall be constructed or authorized in the County or in
such planned section and district until the location, char-
acter, and extent thereof shall have been submitted to and
approved by the Commission; provided, that in case of
disapproval the Commission shall communicate its reason
to the County Commissioners.

300-I. The Planning and Zoning Commission of Carroll
County shall have power to promote public interest in and
understanding of the plan. The Commission shall, from
time to time, recommend to the appropriate public offi-
cials programs for public structures and improvements
and for the financing thereof. It shall be part of its duties
to consult and advise with public officials and agencies,
public utility companies, civic, educational, professional
and other organizations, and with citizens with relation
to the protecting or carrying out of the plan. The Com-
mission shall have the right to accept and use gifts for
the exercise of its functions. All public officials shall,
upon request, furnish the Commission within a reasonable
time such available information as it may require for its
work. The Commission, its members, officers and em-
ployees, in the performance of their functions, may enter


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1257   View pdf image (33K)
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