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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1251   View pdf image (33K)
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owner, tenant, renter or lessee of the riparian rights
therein, for the purpose of catching fish for commercial
use; provided that if such owner, tenant, renter or lessee
of said riparian rights do not avail themselves of the
privilege of locating the position where they desire to set
their nets or haul seine each year within twenty days after
receiving notice hereinafter provided from any other per-
son who may desire to locate their nets or fishery in front
of said riparian owner's property, then it shall be lawful
for such person to locate or place their net or haul seine
in front of said property; except that the notice to the
owner or occupier shall not apply to the waters of Balti-
more, Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Prince George's, St.
Mary's and Charles Counties, where the permission of the
shore owner shall always be necessary, nor shall anything
herein contained be construed to grant any rights to fish-
ermen by reason of such notice to fish upon any of the
waters, nearer than 500 yards opposite any shore used as
a pleasure resort so as to interfere with bathing or boat-
ing on such shore, without permission of the shore owner.
The notice provided for above shall be mailed to the
owner of the shore, or to the tenant, renter or lessee of
such shore property. If the name and address are unknown,
then such notice shall be posted for twenty days on a board
fastened to stake driven in the water directly in front of
the property and at a distance not greater than 100 yards
from shore. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
permit any riparian owner or anyone acquiring the rights
of a riparian owner to fish with nets or seine in any
manner or at any time prohibited in this sub-title. Pro-
vided that the provisions of this section shall not apply
to Anne Arundel, Calvert, Queen Anne's, Kent and Somer-
set Counties. The provisions of this section shall not apply
to the waters of Holland Straits nor the waters of Hooper
Straits South of a line drawn from Crab Point to the
Southern end of lower Hooper's Island, nor the waters of
Fishing Bay South of a line drawn from the North shore
of Farm Creek to Fishing Point, near Elliott's Island, in
Dorchester County.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1953.

Approved April 27, 1953.


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1251   View pdf image (33K)
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