(1. 1) Thence by and with the waters of said Mill Stream
Branch and those of the Yellow Bank Stream, the two
following courses and distances:
North 37 36' east 1164-50 feet to the northwest corner
of E. S. Valliant Wharf;
South 47 42' east 324. 70 feet to the center of the highway
bridge over Yellow Bank Stream on the road leading to
Spaniard's Neck;
(12) Thence by and with the marsh land of the afore-
said mentioned Yellow Bank Stream south 53 05' east
2835. 70 feet to the confluence of the Yellow Bank Stream
and the aforesaid mentioned Three Bridge Branch;
(13) Thence over the land of Eugene Cann Heirs north
62 17' east 3067. 60 feet to the point of beginning, contain-
ing 978. 00 acres of land, more or less.
45. (Definitions) When used in this Charter, "Col-
lector" means the Town Clerk of Centreville, whose duty
it is to collect all taxes, liens or charges of the Town levied
and assessed or to be levied and assessed for any year on
real or personal property in the Town, and the Deputy
Town Clerk of said Town during any sickness or other
temporary absence of the Collector, and the agents of the
Collector when the context requires.
"Tax" means any tax, charge or assessment of any kind
whatsoever, due to the Town, which by provision of law,
regulation, resolution or ordinance, is a lien against the
real property on which it is levied and/or assessed.
"Property" means real or personal property located in
the Town.
"Collector's Tax Roll" means the record of assessments
of real and personal property prepared by, or for the use
of the Collectors.
"Person" means any individual, firm, copartnership,
corporation, company, association, or body politic except
the Town, and includes any personal representative,
trustee, receiver, assignee or other similar representative
"Town" means the Town of Centreville, Queen Anne's
County, Maryland.
"Town Commissioners" mean the body of commissioners
charged with the administration of the government of the
Town of Centreville.