(8) Thence by and with the line of lands of the said
Blades and Quimby south 03 40' east 2341. 50 feet to the
center of the Centreville-Carvell State Road;
(Note: This point being marked by a granite stone set
on the Blades-Quimby line north OS 40' west 25. 00 feet
from the aforesaid point. )
(4) Thence by and with the line of lands of the said
Quimby and C. Percy Arrington south 02 06' east 1572. 50
feet to a fence post;
(5) Thence continuing with the said Quimby and
Arrington lands south 29 55' west 587. 50 feet to the center
of the Pennsylvania Railroad track;
(6) Thence by and with the line of lands of John M.
Ashley and the Joseph Brown Heirs south 28 05' west
1693. 40 feet to a point in the center of the Centreville-
Ruthburg State road;
(Note: This point is marked by a granite stone set on
the line of lands of the said Ashley and the Brown Heirs
north 28 05' east 25. 50 feet from the aforesaid point. )
(7) Thence crossing the lands of Purnell Brown and
Elizabeth Beck and also the David D. Taylor lands south
70 08' west 6382. 90 feet to a granite stone set on the
westerly side of the Centreville-Easton State Road (Route
No. 218) and on the southerly line of F. S. Wharton;
(8) Thence by and with the said Wharton lands north
56 45' west 1031. 10 feet to a granite stone set on the south-
easterly side of the Centreville-Queenstown State Road
south 56 45' east 60. 00 feet from the center of said road;
(9) Thence crossing the lands of J. W. Keith north 25
26' east 3651. 90 feet to a stone placed on the southerly
bank of Mill Stream Branch near the southwesterly corner
of the old Railroad Bridge over the aforesaid mentioned
branch. This stone also marks a corner of the original
bounds of the corporate limits of Centreville;
(10) Thence along the marsh lands of Mill Stream
Branch the three following courses and distances:
North 03 26' west 1173. 50 feet to a point;
North 19 05' west 1934. 00 feet to a point;
North 23 49' east 867. 40 feet to the center of the high-
way bridge over the said Mill Stream Branch on the State
Road leading to Corsica Neck;