16. All ordinances passed by the council shall be de-
livered by the clerk-treasurer at once, or as soon as con-
veniently may be, to the mayor for his approval. The
mayor shall return the same to the clerk-treasurer within
six days after delivery to him (inclusive of the day of de-
livery and of return and excluding Sunday) with his ap-
proval or disapproval. Any ordinance returned by the
mayor without his approval shall not become a law unless
subsequently passed at a meeting by favorable vote of two-
thirds of the whole council within twenty days from the
time of the return of the ordinance. If the mayor fails to
return the ordinance within six days of its delivery as
aforesaid, then the ordinance shall become a law without
his approval.
17. Ordinances, when passed and approved by the
mayor or when passed over his veto, shall be permanently
filed by the clerk-treasurer in a book or books kept for
that purpose.
18. The council shall have the power to pass all such
ordinances not contrary to the constitution, the laws of
Maryland, or this charter, as it may deem necessary for the
good government of the town; for the protection and pres-
ervation of the town's property, rights, and privileges; for
the preservation of peace and good order and for securing
persons and property from violence, danger, or destruc-
tion; and for the protection of the health, comfort, and con-
venience of the residents of the Town of Friendsville and
visitors thereto and sojourners therein.
19. The mayor shall be elected as hereinafter provided
and shall hold office for a term of two years or until his
successor is elected and qualified. The regular term of the
mayor shall expire on the first Monday following the elec-
tion of his successor. The mayor holding office at the time
this charter becomes effective shall continue to hold office
until the first Monday following the election of his suc-
cessor in 1952.