ments. He shall appoint a Chief Deputy who shall receive an
annual salary of [$2,000.00; said Sheriff shall be allowed not
less than $6,000.00 per year for office expenses, including auto-
mobile mileage and for clerical assistance and additional
Deputies.] not more than Twenty-five Hundred Dollars
($2,500.00) payable in equal monthly installments. He shall
serve during the tenure of office of the Sheriff subject to re-
moval by the Sheriff. The Sheriff may appoint such additional
Deputies as he and the County Commissioners of Wicomico
County shall deem necessary, which additional Deputies shall
receive such compensation as he and said County Commission-
ers of Wicomico County shall determine. In addition thereto
the Sheriff of Wicomico County shall be allowed such addi-
tional sums as may be necessary to defray all expenses of his
office, including necessary automobile mileage allowance at the
rate of not less than Six Cents (6¢) per mile for automobiles
used by him and his Deputies in the discharge of their official
duties, actual carfare or other transportation expense neces-
sary in the discharge of said duties, necessary telephone and
telegraph expense, necessary expense for clerical assistants
when the engaging of such assistants or hiring of such as-
sistants is done with the approval of the County Commissioners
of Wicomico County. He shall submit properly authenticated
requisitions containing a full and complete statement under
oath setting forth all of the items of said expense accounts for
the month in question, including the names of all deputies and
assistants and the amounts allowed to each and all other items
of expense, which statement under oath is hereby made the
duty of the Sheriff to make up and submit to the said County
Commissioners of Wicomico County at the time of each
monthly requisition, which sum or sums shall be in lieu of all
expenses, fees and costs now or heretofore allowed the Sheriff
of Wicomico County for expense in carrying out the duties of
his office, including all expenses for transferring prisoners to
and from penal institutions and places of confinement in the
State of Maryland under sentence or order of any authorized
authority, and said County Commissioners shall not pay said
Sheriff for any service he may render in the discharge of his
official duties, any other or further compensation and shall not
be liable in any way for any other fee or compensation to said
Sheriff than as above provided, except for the board and keep-
ing of prisoners in the County Jail and the payment to him for
matron service in managing the domestic economy of the jail
and for a cook in said jail as now provided by local law. The
County Commissioners of Wicomico County are hereby di-
rected, authorized and empowered to make provision by ap-
propriation in their annual levy from year to year for sufficient
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