Tidewater Fisheries be and they are hereby requested to con-
dense from the great amounts of statistical and biological data
in their possession the essential facts necessary to show clearly,
simply and objectively the present condition of Maryland's
tidewater fisheries resources and the best methods for conserv-
ing and increasing the supply; and be it further
Resolved, That the several Departments be requested to pre-
pare such educational bulletins in a simple and readable style,
designed mainly for assisting the members of the General
Assembly and the citizens of Maryland in general in under-
standing and appreciating the problems involved in the ad-
ministration of these great natural resources of the State of
Maryland; and be it further
Resolved, That the several Departments be requested to com-
plete this work in advance of the 1953 Session of the General
Assembly. and to confer as necessary during the progress of
such work with the Legislative Council.
Approved April 13, 1951.
No. 10
(Senate Joint Resolution 6)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Board of Public Works
to sell, exchange, or dispose of the State vessel "Potomac".
WHEREAS, the cost of operating and maintaining the State
vessel "Potomac" has been financed from funds allocated to the
Department of Tidewater Fisheries since 1946; and
WHEREAS, the cost of operating and maintaining the "Poto-
mac", the crew of which includes eighteen salaried men, has
increased continuously, and the estimated costs for operation
of said "Potomac" for the fiscal year of 1952 is the enormous
sum of $60, 955. 00; and
WHEREAS, the "Potomac" in the past has proven of very little
practical use to the Department of Tidewater Fisheries, either
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.