and Ohio Railroad to a point on the northwesterly side of said
right-of-way, thence leaving said right-of-way and running ap-
proximately North 87° 40' West 2710 feet crossing Mount
Royal Avenue extended to a concrete monument at the north-
easterly corner of the land recently acquired by the Board of
Education of Harford County, thence binding on the north-
easterly boundary of said Board of Education land and con-
tinuing across the public road known as Paradise Road North
51° 43' West 1165. 0 feet to a point on the northwesterly side
of said Paradise Road, thence leaving said road and running
approximately North 85° 49' West 2450 feet to the northeast-
erly end of the South 18° 40' 30" West 1389. 00 feet line of the
corporate limits of Aberdeen as established by the aforemen-
tioned Acts of 1943, thence along said line South 18° 40' 30"
West 1389. 0 feet, crossing Bel Air Avenue, to a granite stone,
thence leaving the corporate limits as established by said Acts
of 1943 and continuing South 18° 40' West approximately
2040 feet, thence approximately South 35° 50' East traversing
through Baltimore Park Sub-division, crossing the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad right-of-way and Bradford Road, 3685 feet
to an iron pipe at the north-westerly corner of the recorded
sub-division designated "Mitchell Manor", thence binding on
the southwesterly boundary of said Mitchell Manor Sub-
division and running South 24° 15' East, continuing across the
Philadelphia Road 1850 feet to a point on the northwesterly
side of the Old Philadelphia Road, running from Aberdeen to
Perryman, thence binding on the northwesterly side of said.
Old Philadelphia Road approximately North 65° 45' East 230
feet, thence continuing along the northwesterly side of said
road approximately North 13° 43' East 1082 feet, thence cross-
ing and leaving said road approximately South 85° 17' East
500 feet, crossing the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way to a
point on the southeasterly side of said right-of-way, thence
binding on the southeasterly side of said railroad right-of-way
North 24° 13' East approximately 410 feet to the southwesterly
end of the North 24° 13' 20" East 810. 69 foot line of the cor-
porate limits as established by the Acts of 1943, thence binding
on the corporate limits as established by said Acts of 1943 the
following three (3) courses: North 24° 13' 20" East 810. 69
feet, thence leaving said railroad right-of-way and running
through and across U. S. Government right-of-way of the road
leading from Aberdeen to the Aberdeen Proving Ground South
52° 48' 10" East 571. 30 feet to a concrete monument designated
No. 84, thence binding on the northeast side of said road right-
of-way, continuing South 52° 48' 10" East 563. 34 feet to the
place of beginning, excepting and saving therefrom, however,
the lands owned by the United States of America which com-