and binding on the division between the said Swan Meadows
Housing project and a similar Housing Project designated Lee
Village North 28° 30' East 2605 feet to a point on the south-
westerly side of the U. S. Government right-of-way of Chesa-
peake road leading from Aberdeen to the Aberdeen Proving
Ground, thence binding on the southwesterly side of said
right-of-way North 47° 00' West 575 feet to a concrete marker
at the northeasterly end of the North 54° 36' East 171. 6 foot
line of the corporate limits of Aberdeen as established by
Chapter 908 of the Acts of 1943, thence binding on the corpor-
ate limits of Aberdeen as established by aforementioned Acts
for the following fifteen courses: North 54° 36' East 15. 05 feet
to the center of said Chesapeake road, thence binding thereon
South 47° 41' East to intersect the South 40° 45' West 1250. 0
foot line of the original corporate limits of the Town of Aber-
deen, thence leaving the center of said Chesapeake road and
running with the last mentioned line and reversing the same
to the end of the South 45° 16' West 107. 67 foot line of the
territory added to the Town of Aberdeen by the Acts of 1920,
and thence running with the land as described in said Act,
reversing the lines thereof, and running down the southeast-
erly side of a small stream: North 45° 16' East 107. 67 feet,
more or less, North 53° 23' East 124. 35 feet, North 84° 23' East
16. 0 feet, South 71° 06f East 56. 32 feet, South 66° 31' East
103. 12 feet, South 70° 06' East 80. 84 feet, North 81° 04' East
82. 76 feet, North 64° 34' East 49. 66 feet, North 70° 40' East
150. 11 feet, North 66° 07' East 177. 70 feet, South 87° 29' East
64. 50 feet and North 87° 25' East 146. 35 feet to a concrete
monument on the boundary of the Rigdon lands, said monu-
ment being at the southeasterly most corner of the Osborn
addition to the Town of Aberdeen, thence leaving the corporate
limits as established by the Acts of 1943 and approximately
following this aforementioned small stream North 87° 25'
East 785 feet, thence North 41° 40' West 1762 feet to a point
on the northwesterly side of the public road known as Old Post
Road, leading from Aberdeen to Havre de Grace, the last men-
tioned line binding for its latter part on the boundary between
the Federal Public Housing Authority Project, designated
Hamilton Court, and the Rigdon lands, thence binding on the
northwesterly side of said Old Post Road North 49° 00' East
430 feet, thence leaving said road and running North 46° 10'
West crossing the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania railroad
approximately 1970 feet to a point on the northwesterly right-
of-way line of the Dual Highway known as the Philadelphia
Road, thence binding on the northwesterly right-of-way line of
said Philadelphia Road approximately North 59° 38' East 485
feet, thence leaving said road and running approximately
North 30° 22' West 230 feet crossing right-of-way of Baltimore