standpoint, then, the Commission may, in its discretion, by
written order, deny the petition to constitute the petitioned
area as a part of the whole Sanitary District, as provided in
Section 495, which order shall be published in one or more
newspapers in the County and by handbills posted and cir-
culated within the petitioned area. If ten of the petitioners,
as provided in this section, are not satisfied with the Commis-
sion's decision, they shall have the right to take and enter,
within ten days after the first publication of said order as
aforesaid, an appeal to the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County, who shall review, after due notice and hear-
ing, the Commission's decision and decide as to the necessity
and propriety of the improvements contemplated, and if they
find that the cost of such improvements will not exceed four-
teen per centum of the assessed property value as fixed for
County taxation purposes within the petitioned area, and if
they shall find that the area can stand the cost of the said
proposed improvements, and if they find that the proposed
project is feasible from an engineering and financial stand-
point, the County Commissioners can then either sustain or
reverse the decision of the Commission and may direct the
Commission to constitute the petitioned area as a part of the
whole Sanitary District, as provided in Section 495, and to
proceed with the installation of such improvements as may be
ordered by the County Commissioners; and the decision of the
County Commissioners shall be final.
499. For the purpose of providing funds for the design, con-
struction, establishment, purchase or condemnation of the
water supply, sewerage and drainage systems in any of the
Sanitary Districts or sub-districts, said Commission is author-
ized and empowered to issue bonds, from time to time upon
the faith and credit of Anne Arundel County, in such amounts
as it may deem to be necessary to carry on its work, but the
total amount of bonds outstanding for all purposes under this
sub-title, after deducting the amount of cash and the then
market value of the securities of other issues held in the
general Sinking Fund for the redemption of outstanding
Bonds shall not at the time or times of the issue of any part
thereof exceed [twelve and one-half] fourteen per centum of
the total assessed value of all property within the area subject
to the jurisdiction of the Commission as fixed for County
taxation purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby
declared to be an emergency measure and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and
having been passed by a yea and nay vote, supported by three-