cordance with the petition filed, and if the County Commis-
sioners consent thereto, the Commission shall cause plats of
such locality to be made under the supervision of a competent
civil engineer, showing the boundary lines of the proposed
[water, sewerage or drainage] water and/or sewerage systems
to be constructed, a copy of which plat shall be filed in the
office of the Commission, one in the office of the County Com-
missioners and one in a plat book indexed "Anne Arundel
County Sanitary Commission, " in the office where the Land
Records of Anne Arundel County are kept, each locality
shown on said plats shall be, and the same is hereby designated
and constituted for the purposes of this sub-title to be a part
of the whole Sanitary District; and the filing of said plats
aforesaid shall constitute legal notice to the public of any
liens of said Commission.
495A. If the Commission shall deny the petition to con-
stitute the petitioned area as a part of the whole Sanitary
District, as provided in Section 495, a majority of the land-
owners in the area may petition the Commission to prepare
surveys, plans, engineers reports and estimates, and all costs
to be incurred in making such surveys, plans, engineers reports
and estimates shall be borne by the landowners within the area,
which estimated cost shall be certified by the Commission to
the County Commissioners, and they shall in their next annual
levy, include a tax on all land and improvements assessed or
County tax purposed within the petitioned area in which the
improvements are contemplated, in an amount sufficient to pay
the Commission for such estimated costs, which tax shall be
levied and collected and have the same priority right, bear the
same interest and penalties, and in every respect be treated as
County taxes. The County Commissioners shall pay to the
Commission said tax funds as collected. After the Commis-
sion has been paid for the expense to be incurred in the prepar-
ation of the surveys, plans, engineers reports and estimates,
then the Commission shall cause to be prepared such surveys,
plans, engineers reports and estimates, and after the comple-
tion of same the Commission shall give notice by publication
in one or more newspapers within the County, and by hand-
bills posted and circulated in the locality where said proposed
facilities are contemplated, which notice shall specify the pro-
posed area to be served together with the time and place of a
hearing to be held, at which hearing a complete report shall
be made as to the probable cost of the facilities contemplated.
If the probable cost of the proposed facilities is estimated to
exceed fourteen per centum of the assessed property value as
fixed for County taxation purposes within the petitioned area,
or if the project is not feasible from an engineering or financial