go from house to house to vend or sell any wares or mer-
chandise; to regulate and provide for the issuing of
licenses to all traveling persons who dispense medicines or
medical advice.
(q) Health. To protect and preserve the health of the
city and its inhabitants; to appoint a public health officer,
and to define and regulate his powers and duties; to pre-
vent the introduction of contagious diseases into the city
and within three miles thereof; to establish quarantine
regulations, and to authorize the removal and confinement
of persons having contagious or infectious diseases; to pre-
vent and remove all nuisances; to inspect, regulate, and
abate any buildings, structures, or places which cause or
may cause unsanitary conditions or conditions detrimental
to health; provided, that nothing herein shall be construed
to affect in any manner any of the powers and duties of
the State Board of Health, the County Board of Health, or
any public general or local law relating to the subject of
(r) Jail. To establish and regulate a station house or
lock-up for temporary confinement of violators of the laws
and ordinances of the city, and to make provision for the
use of the Frederick County jail.
(s) Licenses. To issue licenses to any and all persons
entering into or beginning transient business in the city
for the sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise; to license
and regulate all places of amusement; to license and regu-
late any or all businesses, callings, trades, tents, automo-
bile trailers, automobile trailer camps, or professions; to
establish and collect fees and charges for all licenses and
permits issued under the authority of this charter.
(t) Lights. To provide for the lighting of the city.
(u) Markets. To erect, operate, and maintain public
markets within the city, and to purchase, lease or con-
demn real estate for this purpose.
(v) Minor Privileges. To regulate or prevent the use
of streets, sidewalks, and public places for signs, awnings,
posts, poles, steps, railings, entrances, racks, posting hand-
bills and advertisements, and display of goods, wares and
(w) Nuisances. To prevent or abate by appropriate
ordinance all nuisances in the city which are so defined at
common law, by this charter, or by the laws of the State
of Maryland, whether the same be herein specifically