2. The taxable corporate limits of the Town of Mount
Airy shall be as follows and shall include the following
(a) The limits of said town shall be as follows: Begin-
ning at a point where the land purchased by the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company from Robert Sellman inter-
sects the Watersville Road, thence with said road West to
the Westminster Road, thence with said road North to the
Northern line of the land purchased by the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company from Albert Jones, thence in a
straight line to the spring on the land of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company, thence in a straight line to the
Northwest corner of the land of Grafton Harrisonf thence
following the line of the said Grafton Harrison to the
Railroad bed, thence in a straight line to the Northwest
corner of the land of Clifton Mullinix, thence in a straight
line to the Parrsville Road, thence in a straight line to the
Southeast corner of the Camp Ground woods where it in-
tersects the land of Clarence Murray, thence in a straight
line to the place of beginning.
(b) The following area is hereby added to the Town of
Mt. Airy: Beginning at a point on the north side of the
present Waterville State Road at a corner of the lands of
A. S. Tabler and Roy Knill, it also being the beginning of
the present Corporate Limits as described in the Acts of
1916, Chapter 68, Section B, and running thence by new
lines, (1) N. 30¼° E., 515. 0 feet to a stake in A. S. Tab-
ler's field; (2) N. 60¾° W., 718. 5 feet to a concrete monu-
ment in Bernie C. Harrison's lot; (3) N. 41 7/8° E., 1, 258. 0
feet to a concrete monument on a line between the lands
of A. S. Tabler and Bernie C. Harrison; thence along this
line, (4) N. 49 5/8° W., 575. 0 feet to the middle of the West-
minster and Mt. Airy State Road; thence along the same,
(5) N. 29½° E., 82. 5 feet to a point in the middle of the
said road; thence leaving the road and running with the
north line of Margaret May Spencer's land, (6) N. 60½°
W., 297. 5 feet to an iron rod formerly driven; thence along
the eastern line of Lester Rigler's land, (7) S. 41° W.,
1, 326. 0 feet to a concrete monument on the southwest cor-
ner of Benjamin Rigler's land and at the end of 312. 5 feet
on the third line of the present Corporate Limits; thence
reversely with the same, (8) S. 47 5/8° E., 312. 5 feet to the
middle of the aforesaid Westminster and Mt. Airy State
Road; thence along the same, (9) S. 41 7/8° W., 549. 0 feet
to the middle of the said road where it is intersected by
the middle of the Watersville State Road; thence along the