middle of the last named road, (10) S. 59¾° E., 1365. 0
feet to the beginning.
(c) The following area is hereby added to the Town of
Mt. Airy: Beginning at a concrete monument now planted
at the end of 900. 0 feet on the 7th line of the original In-
corporation as defined in Section 210 of Article 7 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930 Edition, said
'point being on a western boundary line of Nathan Dorsey's
land and running thence across the said land (1) S. 89½°
E., 3, 480 feet to the southeast corner of the Park Woods,
this point being an original corner, and passing a concrete
monument now planted on the west edge of the Parrsville
Road at the end of 2, 160 feet; thence across the land of
Charles Webster, (2) S. 62° E., 920. 0 feet to a concrete
monument now planted in a fence line of the said land;
thence (3) N. 34 l/8° E., 407. 5 feet to a concrete monu-
ment now planted on the north edge of the Twin Arch
Bridge Road; thence (4) N. 18 7/8° E., 4, 580. 0 feet to a
concrete monument formerly planted for the beginning of
the original Corporation boundary.
3. The government of the Town of Mount Airy shall
be vested in a mayor and five councilmen to be elected as
hereinafter provided.
4. All legislative powers of the town shall be vested in
a council consisting of five councilmen who shall be elected
as hereinafter provided and who shall hold office as here-
after designated or until their successors are elected and
qualified. The regular term of councilmen shall expire on
the third Monday in May after the election of their suc-
cessors. Councilmen holding office at the time this charter
becomes effective shall continue to hold office until the third
Monday in May, 1952, and until their successors are elected
and qualified.
5. Councilmen shall have resided in Mount Airy for
at least one year immediately preceding their election and
shall be qualified voters in the town, and be the owner of
real estate or leasehold property within the corporate
limits of said town.