One Hundred Dollars ($100. 00) of assessed valuation of
such real property.
(B) On the [first] third Thursday in [February] April
of each year, and prior to certifying the tax rate to the
County [Commissioners] Council the Council shall hold
a public meeting on its proposed budget for the forthcom-
ing fiscal year. Notice of the time and place of such meet-
ing shall be published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation in Montgomery County. Each such
budget shall show the estimated expenditures during the
forthcoming fiscal year for each of the purposes for which
expenditures are authorized in Section 117 of this sub-
title and the estimated receipts to be collected from the
tax rate proposed to be set and from other sources, and
also contain a similar report of receipts, and expenditures
(including estimates for the balance of the fiscal year)
and for the then current fiscal year. The Council shall
hear all proper comments and suggestions pertaining to
its proposed budget offered at the meeting, and shall give
due consideration to them in determining finally the tax
rate to be certified to the County [Commissioners] Council.
(C) The tax levied in accordance with this section shall
be collected as all other county taxes, and the amounts so
collected shall be paid over by the [County Treasurer]
Department of Finance to the Secretary-Treasurer.
(D) The County [Commissioners] Council also shall
order and have paid to the Secretary-Treasurer the pro-
portion of the County road tax to be levied and collected
in the same manner as though Chevy Chase View were an
incorporated town; and for this purpose it is hereby de-
clared that Chevy Chase View shall be considered as an
incorporated town.
(B) Assessments levied under this section shall be pay-
able to the [County Treasurer] Department of Finance
in not more than twenty annual installments as nearly
equal as may be, the first installment thereof to become
due and payable the first day of July next succeeding the
levying of such assessment. All assessments shall be col-
lected as county taxes are collected in the County and
shall be subject to the same interest and penalties as ap-
plied to county real property taxes. Each annual install-
ment shall become a lien against the assessed property,
which shall be subject to liquidation in the same manner
as a lien against the property resulting from failure to
pay county real property taxes.