colm S. McConihe Tract and the Henry S. Dawson Heirs Farm
corner in said street; thence crossing the Dawson and Wood-
mont Club Tracts in an easterly direction to a concrete monu-
ment on the westerly side of the Rockville-Washington Road
where the properties of the newly acquired Woodmont Club
and the northeast corner of the old L. L. Nicholson (now
Eugene E. Zuck) property corner; thence on an extension of
said line still in an easterly direction to the center line of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; thence along the center line of
said railroad in a southeasterly direction to the dividing line
between the properties of Vaudia B. Edmonston and Robert
A. Pugh; thence along said line in a northeasterly direction
to the easterly line of the Pugh property; thence along said
line in a southerly direction to intersect a line two hundred
feet north of and parallel to the north line of the Halpine
Road; thence in a northeasterly direction and two hundred
feet north of and parallel to the north line of said road to
intersect the easterly property line of Twin-Brook, Inc.; thence
along said easterly line and the line of R. L. McKeever in a
northerly direction to the center of Veirs Mill Road; thence
still on an extension of said line between Twin-Brook, Inc.,
and R. L. McKeever to intersect a line two hundred and fifty
feet distant from and parallel to the center line of Veirs Mill
Road (this point being on the property of the heirs of John
Merritt, now the Bullis School property); thence in a north-
westerly direction and two hundred and fifty feet distant from
and parallel to said center line of Veirs Mill Road to a point
on the division line between the properties of Bullis School
and Broad wood Manor, Inc.; thence along said division line in
a northeasterly direction North 18 degrees 10 minutes 50
seconds East 679. 52 feet to the south corner of the property
of the Pumphrey heirs; running thence with the west line of
said Pumphrey heirs North 50 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds
West 1023. 08 feet; thence North 17 degrees 37 minutes 20
seconds West 1058. 34 feet to the center line of the Old Balti-
more Road; running thence with said center line North 54
degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds West 210. 53 feet; thence North
82 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds West 850. 25 feet; thence
leaving said center line and running with the easterly lines of
St. Mary's Cemetery South 32 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds
West 417. 86 feet; thence South 21 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds
West 395. 68 feet to the southeast corner thereof; thence along
the southerly line of said Cemetery property in a westerly
direction to the dividing line bet wen the properties of M. L.
Reese and Sophie Tayloe Stansbury; thence along said dividing
line in a northerly direction to the center of the Rockville-
Baltimore Road; thence along an extension of said line still