CHAP. 10.
as full force as if the citizens of said town, had not
failed to comply with the requisitions of said law,
provided, they meet and elect on the first Monday of
April, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, all necessa^
ry officers.
Passed January,
An act to prevent the destruction of wild fowl in the
head waters of the Chesapeake Bay, in the several
counties therein mentioned.
WHEREAS, it has become necessary and proper to
protect the wild fowl within the waters of Cecil, Kent
and Queen Ann's counties, including the Susquehanna
and Wye rivers, from careless and unlimited destruc-
tion: — Therefore,
Firing prohi-
bited except
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day of Septem-
ber next, no person or persons shall shoot at wild fowl
in the waters of Cecil, Kent or Queen Ann's counties,
including the Susquehanna and Wye rivers, by night,
from any skiff, float or other boat with a gun of any
description whatever, nor in the day time from any
skiff, float or other boat, with any gun which cannot
conveniently be fired at arms length without rest.
Proceedings a-
gainst offen-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of any justice of the peace, adjacent to said waters,
upon sight thereof, or upon information given him up-
on oath, that any person or persons are violating or
have violated the provisions of this act, to issue a war-
rant to the Sheriff or a constable of the county in which
he resides, for the immediate apprehension of such per-
son or persons, and if such person or persons when
apprehended and brought before a justice of the peace,
shall stand convict, then such person or persons so of-
fending, shall forfeit the skiff, float or other boat and
gun, to the informer and pay a fine of not less than tea
dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, one half to the in-
former, and the other half to the county in which the
offence, shall have been committed.