CHAP. 52.
Passed Feb. 12,
An act for the relief of William Rampley, of Harford
WHEREAS, William Rampley, by his petition, hath
represented to this General Assembly that he has ex-
pended a certain sum of money in the erection and
completion of a bridge over Deer creek, at Stansbury's
Ford, in Harford county, over and above the sum al-
lowed by the commissioners of said county: — Therefore,
Levy and pay-
ment directed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of Harford county be, and they
are hereby authorised and directed to levy on the tax-
able property of said county, for the use of the said
William Rampley, such sum of money as he may make
appear to the said commissioners to have been expend-
ed by him over and above the sum allowed by them for
the building of said bridge.
Passed Feb. 8,
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act for the
preservation and repair of that part of the United
States' road within the limits of the State of Mary-
Half toll on go-
ing and retur-
ning same day.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
no person or persons engaged in hauling, conveying
or transporting coal, iron, timber, wood, lumber, plank
or produce, on the National road, within the limits of
the State of Maryland, going and returning on the
same day, shall be required to pay more than one-half
the toll designated and specified in the act. to which
this is a supplement: — that is to say, for every loaded
wagon, cart, slide, or other vehicle of burden, passing
the gate, they shall pay the regular tollage; but where
the same wagon, cart, slide or other vehicle of burden
shall return on the same day no toll shall be required
for said return.