SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said John H.
Harding shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter
contracted by the said Rachel Harding, nor be entitled
to any property which she may hereafter acquire, nor
shall the said Rachel Harding be entitled to any pro-
perty which the said John H. Harding may hereafter
CHAP. 50.
Rights and
claims annull-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Rachel
Harding be. and she is hereby declared to be entitled
to the custody and guardianship of her child or children
by her marriage with the said John H. Harding.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to Incorporate
the Citizens of Taney Town, in Carroll county.
Passed Feb. 12,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be lawful for the Burgess, to-
gether with the commissioners, to appoint a suitable
person or persons residing within the incorporated
limits of Taney Town, as borough constable, whose
powers and duties shall be equal to the constables ap-
pointed in the ordinary way, except that his action shall
be confined within the limits of said corporation.
Borough Con-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the person or per-
sons appointed as aforesaid, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties shall enter into bond to the
State of Maryland in the penalty of one thousand dol-
lars, with security to be approved by the said burgess
and commissioners and filed among the records of their
office, conditioned for the faithful performance of the
duties of constable, which bond shall be liable to be
sued as other constables bonds are now made liable by
Bond required.