Resolution in relation to the Professors of Physic of
the University of Maryland.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is here-
by authorised and directed to suspend, during the
space of two years from this time, legal proceedings
for the recovery of interest due, or that may become
due, and be payable to this State, under the bonds given
by the Professors of Physic of the University of Mary-
land, or any of them.
No. 39.
Passed Mar. 24,
Resolutions relating to the election of Directors in the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, also in re-
lation to the deposite of the funds of said compa-
ny, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Agents of this State, representing the State's stock
in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, be, and
they are hereby directed, in all future elections, to
use their exertions to secure the election of one or
more of the citizens of this State as directors in the
said company, believing as we do that the large
amount of stock held by Maryland in said company,
justly entitles her to a portion of the Board of Di-
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this General As-
sembly that the deposite of that portion of the funds of
said company, obtained from the State of Maryland,
ought, and of right should be, made in good and solvent
banks of this State, so far as the same can be used to
advantage by the said banks, and will not cause ma-
terial loss or inconvenience to said company, and
should only he drawn therefrom in such sums as the
actual necessities of the company may require; the
State's agents are therefore further instructed and re-
Passed Mar. 29,