quested to use their efforts to induce the company so
to deposite its funds.
Resolved, That his excellency the Governor be re-
quested to furnish a copy of the above resolutions to
the President and each of the Directors of the said
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, as well also as
each of the State's agent.
NO. 40.
Passed Mar. 28,
Report and resolution of the. Joint Committee on the Li-
brary, authorising the Librarian to purchase of the
executors of Horace Ridout, certain documents and
papers therein named.
The joint committee on the State Library, to whom
was referred the resolution instructing them to inquire
into the expediency of purchasing from the executors
of Horace Ridout, certain papers relating to the early
history of Maryland, report:
That they have examined the said papers, and find
them to be of an important and interesting nature.
Your committee deem it proper here to name some of
the documents, that they may impress the Legislature
more fully with their true value and character, and
with the connection they bear to the historical trans-
actions of our provincial era, viz.
Three volumes, containing letters from Governor
Sharpe to Lord Baltimore and his Secretary, Mr. Cal-
vert, relating to the affairs of the Province, from se-
venteen hundred and fifty-three to seventeen hundred
and sixty-eight.
Two volumes, containing letters from Governor
Sharpe to the Governors of the British North Ameri-
can Colonies, and to the English Generals on service
in North America, to the English Secretaries of State,
and to the Board of Trade.
One volume, Leger for the Maryland Troops.
Two volumes, Custom House Books.
Two volumes, Field Books of the Surveyors em-
ployed to ascertain the boundary line between Penn-
sylvania and Maryland.