county, and contiguous to the line of the Chesapeake
and Ohio canal.
NO. 7.
Passed Jan. 9,
Resolution directing his excellency the Governor to
cause to be delivered to Captain Thomas Dowden
three hundred stand of muskets, accoutrements, &c.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
his excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby di-
rected to have delivered, at as early a day as practi-
cable, to captain Thomas Dowden, at Cumberland,
three hundred stand of new muskets, with all the neces-
sary accoutrements, together with ten thousand ball
cartridges to suit, for the use of the Cumberland
Guards, and such other volunteer companies or indi-
viduals as may enrol themselves for the defence of the
county, upon bond and security being given to the
State, to be approved by the Executive, for the safe
keeping and return of said arms to the State when de-
No. 8.
Passed Feb. 16,
Resolution directing the Armorer at Annapolis to con-
tract for the making of two hundred pistol cartridge
boxes and two hundred pair holsters, and for the
payment of the same.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the armorer at Annapolis be, and he is hereby directed
to contract, on the most reasonable terms, for the ma-
king of two hundred pistol cartridge boxes and two
hundred pair holsters, to bo delivered in the armory at
this place in the shortest time, for the use of the ca-
valry of this State; and upon the contract being ap-
proved by the Executive, and the articles delivered,
the Treasurer of the Western Shore is hereby autho-
rised and required to pay, out of any unappropriated
money in the Treasury, to the order of the Executive,
such sum of money as they may direct.