CHAP. 183.
the peace in and for said county, be, and the same is
hereby confirmed and made as valid and effectual in
law for all purposes whatsoever, as if the said deed
duly recorded on the twenty-fifth day of March, one
thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, in the clerk's
office of Charles county, State of Maryland, has been
executed and acknowledged according to all the require-
ments of the laws of this State.
Passed Mar. 20,
An act to revise and alter the divisional lines between
election districts number one, and number ten, in Al-
legany county, and to change the place of holding the
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the petition in writing of sundry citizens of
Allegany county, that their convenience would be
greatly promoted by the alteration of the divisional
lines between election districts number one and number
ten, in said county: — Therefore,
to review.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Joseph Biggs, James D. Armstrong
and Israel Thompson, of Allegany county, be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they or
a majority of them, be, and they are hereby authorised
to review said divisional lines between districts num-
ber one and number ten, in said county, and in their
Empowered to
discretion make such alteration therein and in the place
for holding the elections, as better to subserve the con-
Proceedings di-
venience of the citizens thereof, and the said commis-
sioners shall make return of all their proceedings to
Allegany county court, to be there recorded at the ex-
pense of said county, and paid as county charges are
Case of vacan-
levied and paid; and the Governor is hereby authorised
and directed to nominate, and by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, appoint a commissioner or
commissioners in place of any of the said commission-
ers therein named, who may die, resign, refuse or fail
to act in said commission.