same necessary for the public convenience; and they
or a majority of them shall have full power to sell or
dispose of the ground or earth that may from time to
time he removed in consequence of grading any of
said streets as aforesaid, in such manner as said com-
missioners may deem for the best interests of said
CHAP. 159.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commission-
ers be, and they are hereby authorised, at their dis-
cretion, to sell all that narrow piece of ground, apart
of Saint Claire Street, on the north side thereof, and
on the east of Market Street, which has been rendered
of no use to said town, in consequence of the construc-
tion of the Baltimore and Port Deposite Rail Road,
and the same to convey to any person or persons, and
upon such terras as the said commissioners may deem
right and proper, any other law to the contrary not-
To sell lot.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to authorise
Henry C. Drury of William, former Collector of
Taxes in the First Collection District of Anne Arun-
del county, further time to complete his collections,
passed December session eighteen hundred and thirty-
six, chapter one hundred and forty-five.
Passed Mar. 15,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the provisions of the act. entitled, an act to au-
thorise Henry C. Drury of William, former collector
of taxes in the first collection district of Anne Arun-
del county, further time to complete his collections,
passed December session eighteen hundred and thirty-
six, chapter one hundred and forty-five, to which this
is a supplement, be, and the same is hereby continued
in full force and effect for twelve months from and
after the passage of this act.
Authorised to
collect 12