SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Solomon
Corner, shall not be liable for any debt to be hereafter
contracted by the said Mary Corner, nor be entitled to
any property which she may hereafter acquire, nor
shall the said Mary Corner be entitled to any proper-
ty which he, the said Solomon Corner may hereafter
CHAP. 13.
Rights relin-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Mary Cor-
ner, be, from the passage of this act, entitled to all the
rights and privileges of a feme sole, except the right
of marrying again during the life time of the said Sol-
omon Corner.
Feme Sole.
An act to make valid certain deeds therein mentioned.
Passed Jan. 20,
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General
Assembly, that doubt exists as to the validity of cer-
tain deeds herein mentioned, on account of an informal-
ity in taking the acknowledgements of said deeds, and
whereas the parties grantors have since removed out
of the limits of this State:— Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the deeds and conveyance of Thomas Boyer and
Hannah Boyer his wife to James L. Billingslea, dated
the twenty-ninth day of November, eighteen hundred
and thirty -one, for six acres, and duly recorded with-
in the time then by law required for the recording of
deeds, among the land records of Frederick county;
deed from same to George Keller, of equal date for two
acres, and recorded as above; deed from same to Peter
Stem, of equal date for two acres, and recorded as
above; deed from same to Peter Christ, of equal date
for two acres one quarter and thirty perches, and re-
corded as above; deed from, same to Moses Shaw, of
equal date for six acres and thirty perches, and record-
ed as above; deed from same to Isaac Appler, dated
the twentieth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-
three, for one and a half acres and twenty perches, and
recorded as above; deed from same to James L. Bil-
lingslea, dated the thirty-first day of March, eighteen
Sundry deeds