CHAP. 12.
the location and construction of a rail road under the
provisions of the act to Incorporate the George's
Creek Mining Company, passed at December Session,
in the year of eighteen hundred and thirty five, chap-
ter three hundred and twenty eight, and the several
supplements thereto.
toll &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said turnpike
road shall not exceed the width of forty five feet, and
that after the construction thereof, shall have the pow-
er of erecting a toll gate thereon, and exacting payment
of tolls for the use thereof, hut such tolls shall not ex-
ceed the rates of toll, which shall or may be prescribed
from time to time, for the use of the national turnpike
road, lying within the limits of this State, and may from
time to time, he reduced, at the discretion of the county
court, Allegany county; provided nevertheless, that no
reduction shall be made, so as to reduce the nett re-
ceipts from said road, below the sum which shall be
necessary for its repair and improvement.
Case of allow-
ing to decay.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if at any time after
the completion of said road, the same shall be suffered
to decay or go out of repair, the President or any one
Director thereof, who may be within the limits of Al-
legany county, or the chief Superintendant or Agent of
the said company, residing at their works, in Allegany
county, shall, and may be liable to indictement there-
for, in the county court of Allegany county, and upon
conviction thereof, shall be liable to such fine not ex-
ceeding one hundred dollars, as the said county court
shall think reasonable, and after a third conviction for
like offences, the said county court, shall and may, in
their discretion, adjudge the said road to be forfeited to
said county.
Passed Jan. 22,
An ad to divorce Mary Corner, of Dorchester county,
from her husband, Solomon Corner.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Mary Corner, of Dorchester county,
be and she is hereby divorced from her husband, Solo-
mon Corner, a mensa et thoro.