CHAP. 98.
Failure to pay.
Duty of treasu-
rer and secret'y.
Long Marsh Ditch, tributary streams or ditches emptying
in said Long Marsh Ditch; and upon any of said parties;
failing to pay the same within thirty days, the said trea-
surer shall proceed to collect the same as is herein provi-
ded for in the third section of this bill; and the said trea-
surer and secretary shall keep a regular account of all the
proceedings of the company, and to furnish statements
and make reports of the same whenever the said company
may so desire; and the said secretary and treasurer shall
receive such compensation for their "services as the said
company may think proper.
Oath of office.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners, se-
cretary and treasurer appointed as aforesaid, before he or
they act as such, shall be sworn or affirm as the case may
be, that he or they will faithfully discharge the duties as-
signed to them in their respective offices; and the treasu-
rer before he proceeds to act, shall give such bond for the
faithful performance of his trust, as the company may
require, to be kept at the discretion of said company.
Authority to
pass by-laws.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said company, or
a majority of them, shall have full power to pass such by-
laws as they may deem right and necessary for the good
government of said company, so as the same shall not be
repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State.
Passed Mar. 6,
An act to regulate the Municipal Government of Howard
District of Anne Arundel County.
Election of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That for the purposes of exercising all the
powers, and performing the duties within Howard dis-
trict, now required of the commissioners of Anne Arun-
del county, there shall be elected three persons; and that
the election of said persons shall take place on the first
Saturday in April next, and thereafter on the day prescri-
bed by law for the election of delegates to the General
Election regu-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all persons within
the election districts of Howard district, shall vote for
three persons residents of the district last aforesaid; and
the election of said commissioners shall be holden, and
the returns thereof shall be made to the clerk of the court