Marsh Ditch, tributary streams and ditches aforesaid, and
if so determining shall value and fix the same as they in
CHAP. 97.
their judgment may deem just and right; and the said
commissioners shall after having finished said valuation,
return a particular list of the same to the company, to-
gether with the names of the persons owners of the lands
List. &c. to be
benefitted by the opening of the ditch aforesaid, and shall,
immediately fix some day not exceeding twenty days, to
hear any and every appeal that may be made by any per-
son or persons who may think themselves aggrieved by
Appeals to be
said valuation, a notice of said meeting to be put up at
least ten days previous along the line of said ditch, and
the determination of said appeals to be final, and the said
valuation and appraisement to stand good for seven years,
unless two-thirds of the said company shall otherwise de-
termine, counting from the first Saturday in April of this
Notice to be
Valuation good
for 7 years.
year, and so on for every seven years thereafter; and the
said company shall proceed to fix and adjust an equitable
tax on all the land through which the said Long Marsh
Bitch shall pass, and upon all those persons who may af-
ter a final hearing, be deemed benefitted by said Long
Marsh Ditch, tributary streams or ditches emptying into
said Long Marsh Ditch, whatever sum may be found to be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and shall
levy and collect the same as county taxes for said counties
Levy of tax.
are collected; and the said company shall cause a copy of
such valuation and levy to be filed in either of the clerks
offices of Queen Ann's or Caroline counties, as the case
may be; a certified copy of which shall be conclusive
against all parties, and shall be good and sufficient evi-
dence in any court of law, or before any justice of the
Copy of valua-
tion to be filed.
peace in the State; and the said commissioners for each
and every day that they may be employed, shall receive
the sum of one dollar and fifty cents per day, to be paid
by an order of the company on the treasurer, hereinafter
provided for.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said company at
each and every annual meeting thereof, shall choose by
ballot, and by a majority of votes, any given number of
managers, at the discretion of the company, one treasurer
and one secretary, who shall respectively continue in of-
fice until the first Saturday of April next ensuing, and un-
Officers to be
til others are appointed; 'and it shall be the duty of said
treasurer so appointed, to notify all those persons upon
whose land or lands the aforesaid tax has been levied, and
upon those persons who shall be deemed benefited by
Treasurer to
notify persons
who are taxed.