of Howard district, by the same persons whose duty it is
by law to hold an election in those election districts, of
delegates to the General Assembly of Maryland.
CHAP. 98.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the said commissioners of the said district, after the first
election to be held for sheriff, under the act of eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight, chapter twenty-two, and they are
hereby authorised to lay off and divide Howard district into
three election districts, carefully making the several election
districts as neatly equal as may be, having regard to popula-
tion, extent of territory and the convenience of the voters
of each of the said districts; and each of said districts
the number five, and be known hereafter by such number;
Election dis-
tricts to be
laid off.
and the said commissioners shall designate a place as
nearly central as may be, in each election district so laid
off, at which the election shall be held; and the said com-
missioners shall as soon as practicable, deliver to the clerk
of the said Howard district court, and to the clerk of
Anne Arundel county court, each a description in writing,
under their hands and seals, specifying plainly the boun-
daries and numbers of each of said election districts, and
also the place in each of said election districts where the
Place of hold-
ing election.
Com. to specify
boundaries, &c.
election is to be held; and the said clerks shall record the
same among the records of said Howard district and of
Anne Arundel county, respectively; and it shall be further
the duty of said commissioners to cause copies of said
description to be published in hand-bill form and set up at
five of the most public places in each election district, as
soon as practicable; and at all elections thereafter to be
held in said Howard district alone, or as a part of Anne
Arundel county, the voters within the limits of each of
said election districts shall vote at the place where the
election is to be held in such district.
To be recorded
and published.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That at the next annual
of each of said election districts, who are now or may at
the time of the election, be qualified to vote for members
of the House of Delegates, shall vote at their respective
places of voting for one person who shall be resident of
such election district, and who has the same qualifications
Annually to e-
lect commis-
as candidates for the House of Delegates; and it shall be
the duty of the judges of election to make such returns of said
election as is by law required in case of an election for sheriff;
and the three persons thus elected from the three election dis-
tricts, shall constitute a board of commissioners, who shall
To make re-
Name and style.