also be permitted to receive instruction in said schools;
provided always, that each and every such adult desiring
the benefit of said schools, shall first obtain the permission
of the commissioners of the district to which they belong,
and shall agree to pay such sum for tuition as shall be de-
termined upon by the said school commissioners; and the
money so required to be paid shall when collected be ap-
plied to the benefit of said school.
CHAP. 87.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all persons privileged
under this act to receive instructions at the primary schools
in Dorchester county aforesaid, when they are so located
in the school district in which they belong, as to make it
more convenient for them to go to the adjoining school dis-
May go to ad-
joining school.
trict, be and they are hereby authorised to do so; provided
always, that the scholar or scholars desiring to avail him,
her or their selves of the benefit of this proviso, shall first
obtain the consent of the school commissioners of the dis-
trict in which he, she or they wish to be instructed.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the five school com-
missioners appointed for each election district by the com-
missioners of the tax of the said county of Dorchester, as
provided in section four of the supplement to an act to
which this is an additional supplement, be and they are
hereby authorised to appoint three or more auxiliaries for
each school in said district, for the purposes of superin-
tending said school or schools.
to be appointed.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the
school fund appointed or hereafter to be appointed by the
commissioners of the tax of said county of Dorchester,
shall perform all the duties assigned him under the second
section of the supplement to the act to which this is an ad-
Duty of treasu-
ditional supplement, and shall receive as compensation for,
his services, one and a half per cent on all sums collected
and disbursed by him for the benefit of said school.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the commissioners for
each school district in the county aforesaid, be and they
are hereby authorised to employ and to contract for the
payment of a teacher or teachers of the said school or
schools in said district, or at the lowest rate in the manner
provided in the fourth section of the supplement to the act
Authority to
employ teach-
ers, &c.
to which this act is an additional supplement; provided;
always, that in no instance shall they the school commis-
sioners be permitted to pay a teacher more than the sum
of one hundred and twenty-five dollars semi-annually;
and provided also, that said commissioners may in their