CHAP. 87.
surveyor of said county of said lands, and to be returned
to the clerk of said county, to be by him recorded among
Land to be va-
lued, &c.
other land records of said county; and that in all cases in
which it may be necessary for the school commissioners to
condemn land under the provisions of this act, the land
so condemned shall be valued by three disinterested per-
sons, one to be chosen by the owner of the land, one by
the school commissioners, and the two persons thus chosen
are to select a third; and the three persons thus selected,
or a majority of them, after taking an oath fairly and just-
ly to value the land so condemned, shall proceed to view
and value the same, and to name the sum which said
school commissioners shall pay for said lands, and after
Return of valu-
ation to be made.
the valuation they shall make a full return to the clerk of
the county, of the amount of. the valuation, together with
the plat of said lands; and the said school commissioners
shall immediately upon the return being made, be and
they are hereby authorised to take possession of the said
lands thus condemned to be used for the purposes intend-
School house
to be built.
ed by the provisions of this bill; and the commissioners
are also authorised to erect on said lot or lots a suitable
school house or houses, as the case may be, and to pay for
said lot or lots and the cost of erecting or building of said
school house or houses, out of the money to be drawn out
of the hands of the treasurer of the school fund for said
county as herein provided; and the overplus, if any, the
said commissioners shall apply to the support of the said
school or schools; provided, that nothing in this act shall
be construed so as to prevent the school commissioners of
said county from purchasing any house to be used for a
school house, if they may deem it expedient to do so.
Levy to be made.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the
passage of this act, that the county commissioners of the
tax in and for Dorchester county, be and they are hereby
authorised and directed to levy annually upon the real and
personal property of said county, the sum of four thou-
sand dollars for the use and support of primary schools in
said county, and that the said four thousand dollars be
collected and paid over to the treasurer of the school fund
for said county in the manner and form provided in the
third section of the supplement to an act to which this act
is an additional supplement.
To be extended
to all children
over 6 yrs. old.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it is the intention of
this act that the benefit of primary schools in the aforesaid
county of Dorchester, shall be extended to all white chil-
dren over six years of age, and that all male adults shall