CHAP. 62.
Passed Feb. 11,
An additional supplement to an act, to authorise the repair-
ing of the Court House of Baltimore county, and for
other purposes, passed December session eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-four, chapter one hundred and fifty-eight.
Stock augmen-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That for the purpose of completing the objects of the act
to which this is a supplement, the amount of the stock-
which the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore were re-
quired to create and issue, in conformity with said act, be
and is hereby augmented fifteen hundred dollars; and that
for the payment of the interest and principal of said aug-
mentation, provision shall be made by the commissioners
of Baltimore county, and the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, in the proportions and manner prescribed for
the payment of the principal and interest, of the sum of
Money to be
paid, &c.
the stock authorised by the said original act; and that the
money which shall be obtained by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, for the augmented stock afore-
said, shall be paid for the purposes of this act, by
the register of the city of Baltimore upon the orders of
the court house commissioners, or a majority of them, ap-
pointed by or in virtue of said original act.
Passed Feb. 21,
An act to authorise the Governor to appoint an Inspector of
Lumber for Chesapeake City, in Cecil County.
Governor to ap-
point inspector
of lumber.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor, with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate, shall be and is hereby authorised and
required to appoint one Measurer and Inspector of Lum-
ber for said village; which said Measurer and Inspector
shall be governed by the same laws with regard to his
measurement and inspection which govern the Inspectors
of Lumber in the city of Baltimore; and that he shall be
allowed the same fees which are allowed by law to the In-
spectors of Lumber in the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said Mea-
surer and Inspector shall proceed to act as such, he shall
take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, faithfully